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PTZBW12/0.4 type combined substation

(American box substation)
Compact structure, complete sets of strong, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, beautiful appearance, is the first choice of urban and rural power grid distribution and transformation equipment

Product overviewProduct overview
PTZBW12 /0.4type combined substation(American Box Substation),is a series of products developed according to the needs of the development and transformation of urban and rural power grid construction..it is the transformer body,Switchgear,Fuse,Tap changer,corresponding auxiliary equipment such as low-voltage distribution device,Can meet the user's electric energy metering,reactive power compensation,Low-voltage shunt and other configuration requirements.Combined Substation as AC50Hz, 6 ~ 10kV's network,rated capacity is30 ~ 2500kVAindependent complete set of power transformation and distribution device,can be used both outdoors,can also be used indoors.is widely used in industrial parks,urban residential district,Commercial Center,road lighting,High-rise buildings and temporary construction sites and other places.its advantages are:environmental protection,Small footprint,flexible transportation, etc..
useEnvironment condition
  • ambient air temperature:-35 ℃ ~ 40 ℃.
  • altitude: ≤ 1000m.
  • Outdoor wind speed: ≤ 35 m/s.
  • relative humidity: daily average ≤ 95%, monthly average ≤ 90%.
  • Pollution grade: Class II, III and IV.
  • seismic intensity: no more than 8 degrees.
  • Installation location: no fire, no explosion hazard or severe vibration, serious pollution, chemical corrosion, ground tilt angle less than 5 degrees of the place.
Product FeaturesProduct features
  • Small size, compact structure, small footprint and easy installation.
  • Low loss, low noise, low temperature rise, super nameplate capacity load capacity, strong anti-sudden short circuit ability.
  • fully enclosed, fully insulated structure, safe and reliable operation.
  • wiring method is flexible, which can be used for both terminal systems and ring network systems, which is convenient for conversion and improves power supply reliability.
  • Easy to operate, easy to maintain, short production cycle, low project cost.
  • JB/T 10217-2013 Combined transformer.
  • DL/T 1267-2013 Combined transformer service conditions.

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