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wind power generation combined substation

Compact structure, strong complete set, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, and beautiful appearance are the preferred complete sets of power distribution and transformation equipment for urban and rural power grids.

Product overviewProduct overview
wind energy is formed by the movement of air under solar radiation.wind energy has obvious advantages compared with other energy sources,it has large reserves,is hydro-energy10times,widely distributed,does not dry up,pairInconvenient,is particularly important in islands and remote areas away from the main grid..currently,China's government has been energy-saving emission reduction and the development of new energy to an unprecedented strategic height.CurrentWind power has become an important force in new energy.
In order to meet the national wind power needs,Our company developed wind power combined transformer.
ZG(F)S11-Z.F-/35Series Three-phase Double-winding Unexcited Voltage-regulating Wind Power Combined Transformer.
This series of products will be transformer,Oil-immersed load switch and high-voltage fuse are installed in the oil tank,Use transformer oil as the insulation medium and heat dissipation medium of the entire product,Low side configurationthe necessary electrical protection components.has reliable operation,small size,The advantages of light weight and easy installation and use.
useEnvironment condition
  • altitude: ≤ 2000m.
  • Ambient temperature range:-45 ℃ ~ +45 ℃.
  • Outdoor wind speed: ≤ 35 m/s.
  • Relative humidity: daily average ≤ 95%, monthly average ≤ 90%.
  • Installation location: no fire, explosion, serious pollution, chemical corrosion and severe vibration place.
  • Suitable for 50Hz,35kV wind power generation system, the rated capacity of the transformer is 900 ~ 3150kVA, dedicated to wind power generation.

Product FeaturesProduct features
  • products are divided into three parts: transformer, high-voltage chamber and low-voltage chamber, forming a "product" glyph structure.
  • transformer meets the requirements of the new type S11 standard.
  • Fully enclosed structure, safe and reliable, reasonable and compact structure, beautiful appearance, general volume1/3 of the pre-installed substation, reducing the floor area.
  • has good anti-corrosion ability, can effectively prevent sand, rain and snow and salt spray erosion.
  • is protected by lightning arresters, oil-immersed two-station load switches and fuses.breaker is an integrated protection fuse.
  • Porcelain sleeve, dry-type sleeve or high-voltage T-shaped cable shall be used for the inlet and outlet line shell on the high-voltage side of the cable.plug connection.
  • The high-pressure chamber is isolated from the low-pressure chamber. The box is mainly pre-installed with: lightning arrester, load switchoff, transformer tap changer, protection fuse, oil level thermometer, oil levelgauge, pressure relief valve, drain valve and other accessories.
  • is equipped with 690V main circuit breaker and overvoltage protector, and can be designed as a complete set.installation of automated measurement and intelligent control systems.

Product Center

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transformer brand