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photovoltaic power generation

Compact structure, strong complete set, reliable operation, convenient maintenance, and beautiful appearance are the preferred complete sets of power distribution and transformation equipment for urban and rural power grids.

Product overviewProduct overview
photovoltaic panel assembly is a power generation device that generates direct current when exposed to sunlight. It consists of thin-body solid photovoltaic cells made almost entirely of semiconductor materials (such as silicon).
simple photovoltaic cells can provide energy for watches and computers, and more complex photovoltaic systems can light houses and power the grid. Photovoltaic panel components can be made in different shapes, and the components can be connected to generate more power. In recent years, with the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, photovoltaic power generation has developed rapidly due to its environmental protection.
In order to meet the needs of national photovoltaic power generation, our company has developed photovoltaic power generation transformers on the basis of wind power generation combined transformers.
YBW11-Z.G-/40.5 series photovoltaic pre-installed substation.
This series of products are similar to wind power combined transformers except that the low-voltage side windings, outgoing lines and electrical equipment of the transformer adopt special structures. The low-voltage side is equipped with double split windings and two outgoing lines, which can be connected with two groups of photovoltaic generating units at the same time, and the low-voltage side is equipped with necessary electrical protection components. It has the advantages of good electrical performance, small size, light weight, reliable operation, convenient installation and use, and high cost performance.
useEnvironment condition
  • altitude: ≤ 2000m.
  • Ambient temperature range:-45 ℃ ~ +45 ℃.
  • Outdoor wind speed: ≤ 35 m/s.
  • Relative humidity: daily average ≤ 95%, monthly average ≤ 90%.
  • Installation location: no fire, explosion, serious pollution, chemical corrosion and severe vibration place.
  • Suitable for 50Hz,35kV wind power generation system, the rated capacity of the transformer is 500 ~ 1600kVA, dedicated to photovoltaic power generation.
  • beyond the above normal use of environmental conditions, the user can negotiate with the company to resolve.
Product FeaturesProduct features
  • design idea: the use of "two machines and one change" program, that is, two photovoltaic generator sets with a transformer. The low-voltage side is a double split winding and 2-way outgoing line, and is equipped with a low-voltage electrical system, which can be connected to two sets of photovoltaic generator sets at the same time.
  • users can increase the output capacity of a single transformer under the same unit capacity, greatly saving user investment and operating costs.
  • are similar to the wind power combined transformer.

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